It was a really fun week/weekend with my sister Kristen and my niece Alexa visiting from San Diego. We started the week with our normal stuff and Reed has decided that his baby Elmo needs to come every where with us.
On Thursday before Kristen got here we went to the health department and got our H1N1 flu shots. Afterwards we were a little sad so I promissed to get them some fries. (Grant)
Mr. Archie Dog loves it when we get fries. He is kindly asking Grant to share.
We had a blast with Kris and Lexa. We went shopping while the boys took their nap and went to build a bear workshop. Alexa got a bunny and some cute outfits for her.
After the boys' nap we went to the scarecrow fest in Thanksgiving point and saw the barnyard boo. They had animals to look at and feed and they had face painting, pony rides, and games.
The big pumpkin that we all took pictures around.
Mr. Reed Michael on his first ever pony ride. What a happy smile.
My guys on their ponies. They had such a blast.
We also got to enjoy some kettle corn for snack.
Yummy Kettle Corn.
We also took a horse-drawn wagon ride. It was so fun to see the look on the boys' faces while we rode (all the boys including Jeff)
Feeding the cows was one of the highlights. Jeff kept getting hay for them to eat and they cows kept licking the boys.
Big Cows
Cute cousins sitting next to the pumpkins.
Totally random tree at the elementary school by the house. The beautiful leaves are one perk of the impending winter cold. We never had anything like this in San Diego growing up so it still a novelty for me. :)
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