Things at the Beck house went from godd to worse. The boys seemed to be on the mend and then decided to get another stomach bug. I swear I have never used my washing machine so much in my entire life. I have never cleaned up so much gross stuff either. They just couldn't keep their bodily functions to themselves. This was the scene for most of the last 3 weeks. They wouldn't eat or drink and when they did it was very little. :(
For some reason they were feeling well enough on Valentine's day to go out to breakfast. Jeff and I took the to McDonald's and had a good time. They didn't eat much but did play a little. Mommy tried to be cool and go up in the slide like daddy had and I FREAKED out. I kept my cool in front of the boys but my hands were shaking. I gues I've developed a fear of small enclosed spaces. Who knew.
The boys were almost better when Katrina came for a visit. She watched the boys for the weekend while Jeff and I spent a few days away. It was SUCH a treat. We slept in and ate out. It was perfect. Thanks again Katrina we LOVE you.
As usual while Katrina was here we did some shopping and looking around. You never know what you are going to need. While we were out at Hobby Lobby Reed discovered he had pockets. He's been doing this lately with his pants and jackets. It's just so funny to me because it makes him look so grown up. What a cute guy.
One of our other favortie things to do while Katrina is here is hit up the Costco. We LOVE the Churros there. If you haven't had one GO get one now. They are delish. The boys are getting big enough to handle half a churro now. Reed has issues not putting the whole thing in his mouth at one time. YUM.
Katrina has started a tradition with the boys of riding the "horse" at Wal-Mart. We tried to explain to the boys that it's not a horse but a warthog from the movie Lion King and that didn't seem to go over well. SO, it's a horse. This thing costs .50 a ride (which we both think is a rip off) but being the loving Katrina she is, she lets them each have a turn while we are there.
Kind of dorky I know, but this is a picture of the preschool registration for the boys. It just kind of hit me as one of those life moments. Here I am about to mail off the papers to their preschool and hopefully begin their school careers that will last for the next 18 years. My babies are growing up! Tear tear.
Sortly after this it was time to take Katrina to the airport and pick up Aunt Lacey. Originally she was coming to help me while Jeff took the bar exam. BUT since he has decided to take it in July (when we are hopefully living there) he didn't need to go but she still came!! We had a great time with her just hanging out. She and I have a love of singing along to bad music. WE don't sing well so we turn it up and have a great time. The boys decided to sit on the counter and dance and sing along. (Reed in Lacey's sunglasses).
For whatever reason Lady Gaga is their favorite. They actually know the words. Check out the moves from my man Grant W. Beck. Someone has a future on America's Best Dance Crew.