This week started with hard hats. Jeff brought home a hard hat from work for the boys to play with. It has been a hot item in our house. We take turns well wearing it around. (Grant)
Reed is a bigger fan than Grant.
Yesterday the boys turned 2!!! I can't believe that it's been two years!! My little Reed man in his birthday shirt.
Last year we were in Texas for their actual birthday. We celebrated with cake and happy birthday.
My big toddlers!! Grant looks seriously annoyed with my photography.
Reed is really into showing you his belly button. But, he wants to see yours too. Even if you're in the middle of Target.
I have great friends here who braved Mc Donalds at lunch time with me. We didn't want to do a big party this year so we went to lunch.
My friends Krystal and Laurie came with their kiddos. Laurie has twins too so we were the talk of Mc Donalds. We had mini cupcakes and played until we cried.
Laurie and Krystal (and the kids) got the boys some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cars, with a REAL Mickey!! They have LOVED every minute of them. Thanks again girls.
Since they LOVE balloons, I took them to the store after nap to get one for their birthday. They had so much fun running around the house with their balloons.
Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with their balloons.
Reed was so afraid of the "hot" that he didn't want to be too close to the cake.
With each birthday I remember how these little guys started. They were so tiny and scary looking at 29 weeks. I helps me remember how far they've come and how blessed we are. I just can't believe they run around the house now making me CRAZY! Here's Reed minutes after birth.
My Reed enjoying his cake, with a fork, like a big boy!
Grant, as usual, was less afraid of the "hot" and was ready to eat the cake.
My little Grant minutes after his birth. We were so worried about this "grade 3" IVH. You can even see the bruise on his forehead from being stuck up in my ribs. Hard to believe he was bigger (by and ounce)
My Grant guy!
Happy Birthday Beck boys! Happy BIRTHday mommy and daddy...loves
Happy Birthday! I can't believe they are 2! Wow...Time flies!!
Thanks for sharing your fun party with us! It was super fun! Also glad they love the Mickey's. Happy birthday boys!
Happy Birthday cute boys!! We had so much fun, thanks so much for inviting us!!
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