Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And so it begins...

It has started. They are fighting over toys. Yesterday at Costco the boys wanted the same toy. It didn't matter who had it first, or what it was, they both wanted it. Reed wanted this toy and he didn't care that Grant had it. He also didn't care that he had his own toy.

He was determined to take this one from Grant.

Back at home we have learned that Grant is an excellent walker. He can get all around the kitchen in his walker. Yesterday I heard a big thump and came to find that he had dumped over the trash can. He also really likes to chase the dogs. It's starting already. They are becoming mobile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CUTE OUTFITS. I believe those were provided by Auntie Paige. :)
Glad they can fit into the CA surfer wear.