They have tools, cutters, and tons of colors. What's funny is that the tools all seem to be the same ones that Jeff and I had when we were little. Guess not much has changed in the way of play dough in the last 20 years.
On Sunday we went to a local Christmas Tree Farm/Pumpkin Patch with Grangie and G-pa.
They had games, pumpkins, "train" rides, food, and FUN!! We had a great time looking at all the pumpkins.
Look at all that orange. NO, those are not the shirts from last year. What kind of mother would do that?
They also had bounce houses. The boys LOVED climbing up and sliding down.
They had to be talked into it the first time but then we couldn't keep them off it. :)
The "train" was a set of cars the kind of looked like colored train cars being pulled by a tractor. Didn't matter to the boys though. They had a blast.
On Tuesday we went with our Mom's Group to another local patch to pick out our pumpkins. Don't they look happy!!!