Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa and a Gingerbread House

It's that time of year again!! WE got our annual picture with Santa done last weekend. We had a lot of fun this year. Grant decided he didn't want to sit on his lap and started screaming. BUT he sat there long enough to look at the ball the photographer was holding and we got a pic. Reed was more than willing, as usual, to talk to a stranger. So far we have not had an experience that would prevent us from coming back! Thanks to the big guy!

This year we decided to add the tradition of building a family gingerbread house!! We got a really cool kit at Costco and decided to give it a go. Mommy built the structure (it leans a little) and daddy did the exterior.

The boys had a really good time helping us decorate the house. Grant really wanted to eat the candy and we kept telling him no. So instead he would put it in his mouth for a quick taste and then stick it on the house.

The finished product. Can you tell they "helped"?

Jeff put the boys on the counter to watch him shave. They were more interested in my make up brushes. So he let them "put on make up" too.

Grant and his make up.

OK so on Sunday night Reed was eating some salad that had chopped almonds in it. He didn't say anything and I didn't see anything but as I was cleaning him up he kept saying "I have a peanut in my nose." I didn't understand or believe him at first. So I got out a flashlight and sure enough he had an almond "peanut" up his nose. Before I rushed to the ER I plugged one side of his nose and told him to blow. He did and it came shooting out. (the nut above)

So naturally after we did all of this we had to take turns looking in eachothers noses with the flashlight. Here's Grant looking in Reed's nose.

And here he is looking in his own nose.

Since the weather has been REDICULOUSLY cold, we decided to go to our FAV in door play place. It's a regional restaurant called Arctic Circle. They have the cleanest most wonderful indoor play place. The boys can do the WHOLE thing alone and there isn't usually anyone else there. (at 3:30 pm)
The boys even got a free cone to eat as a little play break. LOVE it! Did I mention that it's literally a stone's throw from our house? It's super super close too.

Reed and his cone. Gotta love some Arctic Circle!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We had a very nice low-key Thanksgiving this year. We stayed home in Utah because Jeff was on call. SO we were invited to Sam's house (wonderful lady that works with Jeff). She invited us to her sister-in-law's house for some turkey and fun. (Reed with his turkey)

It was really nice because Jo (Sam's sister-in-law) has a little boy that is just a little older than the boys. They had a great time at the kid table together.

We had a great time, played lots of fun games together, and enjoyed the good food. What a nice way to spend a holiday. No crazy airports for us.

After Thanksgiving DAY was over, we went back to normal weekend habits. LIKE watching the boys while I did some internet Christmas shopping. It was so quiet I came to peek and found my babysitter sleeping on the job. It was ok with me though because the boys were happy watching Cailou. (Note: even Arhie Dog was sleeping on the job)

I've had these puzzles for FOREVER and the boys have always just been destructive with them. UNTIL now. I got them out again and they are actually ready to use them for their intended purpose. JOY.

Here's a little video of them playing with their puzzles.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's been too long...

What a fun month November has been!!! It's been so fun (and busy) that we haven't had time to post for a while. Right after Julia and Lauren left us :( we had Jeff's parents come to see us! (Yay) So we got to spend the weekend with Grangie and Gee-Papa (grandpa).

Since it was cold out we decided to go to the mall and walk around. The boys LOVED the play area full of toys to ride. (Grant)

Jeff is helping Reed drive the School Bus. They love this word and say it everytime we see one on the road.

Grangie and Grandpa are so thoughtful and stopped at the party supply store to pick up a balloon for the boys. Any balloon would do, but what's better than "any" balloon? A MICKEY balloon. They were so excited when Grandpa and Daddy walked out of the store with them, that Reed was clapping. SO cute.

These balloons were tough too. They lasted for atleast a week after they left. We love our Mickey balloons. I think their 3rd birthday party is going to have to be a Mickey theme.

So I've gotten a little lazy with lunch lately. I was trying to get the house clean after Grandpa and Grangie and trying to get it ready for Katrina. So I fed the boys their lunch on the couch while they watched Elmo. I know I'm a bad mom but they thought it was a treat. (Grant)

Reed enjoying his lunch with Elmo. (Their other new favorite show is Cailou).

YAAAAYYYY for Katrina!!! Our favorite aunt Katrina came for a visit a few days after Michael and Anne left us. We miss her so much and wish that she still lived here instead of stupid Chicago.

She's the BEST. She even brought treats for us. Like this really cool Teepee for the boys to play in. AND she brought me a cool necklace and some sunglasses. (Grant)

Saturday after she got here it snowed the first BIG snow of the season. We had like a foot in the backyard. The boys really wanted to play in it so we let them. We didn't have any snow pants yet so we just put wind pants over their pants. They worked OK but got snow in them. The biggest problem were the gloves. The ones from last year are just toooooooo small.

Poor Reedy Rooster kept falling and he would get a face full of snow. So we headed out to the stores to get some better snow playing clothes.

After they ate dinner they decided to play with my shoes AGAIN. I know I've already posted pictures like this but they are just so funny to me it never gets old. (Grant in my heels)

Reed looking cool in my pink uggs.

One of our favorite things to do while Katrina is here is SHOP. We've been shopping with these boys since they were teeny tiny. Katrina caught them trying on some cool jewlery.

Mommy finally got her act together and got them som REAL snow bibs. (Reed all ready to go)

Daddy helping Grant get all suited up for the snow. (round two)

My snow buddies ready to go play in it.

Grant is just loving the snow and picking it up with his cool new gloves.

Reed making a snow angel.

After they played with it they decided it was time it ofcourse.

MMMMMMMM......yummy snow.

Grant kept calling it a "big rock"

Inside the nice warm house playing ball with Katrina. We miss you!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lauren and Julia!!!

We were so lucky to have my cousin Julia and her sweet boyfriend Lauren come visit for a few days. Lauren is here visiting Julia from Belgium and they came up from San Diego to see us. We picked them up from the airport and went to have waffles downtown at Bruges. They were soooooo good. Reed got it all over his face and mommy forgot wipes. He was playing peek a boo with Julia in the car.

My Grant Guy being shy for the camera.

Lauren was kind enough to bring the boys presents all the way from Belgium. The boys got a woody stuffed toy and woody jammies. I'll have to take a pic of the jammies (soooooooo cute).

In the morning they brought down MORE presents. MICKEY Belgian chocolates!! So yummy.

The next day we went to Jumpin Jacks, a favorite of ours here in wintery Salt Lake, we decided to show it to our European friend. He was such a good sport and went on all the slides with the boys.

Grant and Lauren.

Julia and Reed.
The biggest obstacle course in the place. Julia and Lauren were kind enough to run through it with them, twice.
The next day we decided to make REAL Belgian waffles. Lauren brough special sugar all the way from Belgium. Julia didn't care for the mixing part.

Looking good!

The delicious finished product.

After that we decided to take a ride up the mountain to Park City. Before we left the boys got to try on Julia and Lauren's cool shades. (Reed)

My urban hipsters in their Ray-Bans.